Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday Ten

Hi everyone! Today I am listing my Tuesday Ten. This is ten of what I choose for the linky party at Miss Mommy's Blog

Miss Mommy

My Tuesday Ten this week will be Upcycled Crafts. This will be a collection of things I have come across all over the internet that I would love to try but are not my original ideas. Bear with me, its 4am....why am I awake at 4 am doing a blog post? I don't know but you can ask my toddler who is running circles around my living room right now!

                                          Soda can cookies cutters. I found these at  Show Tell Share

                                          Outdoor candle lantern can be found at In my own style

                                                      Grocery bag dog leash on Instructables

                                                    Cable Spool Library Table from Country Living

                                          Television Cat Bed. Found this gem on etsy.com AtomicAttic

                                          Composition Notebook iPad cover by Lil Blue Boo
                                          Egg Carton Buttons Pretty Little Things

                                                   Baby Food Jar Pin Cushion found on Cut Out and Keep

                                                       Popsicle Stick Bracelets Bles-id

                                           Globe Bowl just something i made

I hope you all enjoy this weeks Ten. I had a good time choosing my ten but there are so many more projects out there.

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Made it Monday

It's Monday! Brandi and I have decided that every Monday we will do "Made it Monday" and feature the things we made the past week and alternate every week so each week you get to see what's going on in the studio from our own perspective!

This last week was pretty crazy. I'm still getting into the swing of things at my new job so I didn't have much time to craft. I have been doing blog posts every day using a photo challenge from another blog and I'm really enjoying it! 

This weekend Brandi and I got together and worked on the scrap map for my sister's classroom. :) She's a 3rd grade teacher and I decided we needed a stash buster and this was the perfect thing! We divided up the states and got to work picking out fabric from our stashes and ironing the bonding stuff on the back then meticulously cutting them out! We tried to keep them even, so we both got some easy (aka Western) states and some difficult (aka NEW ENGLAND). 

Here I am ironing the states onto the fabric backing (actually a pillow casing that we cut and sewed together).

Here is the whole country ironed together.
After we ironed them all on, Brandi got to work top stitching them on.

JJ and Raj were discussing our project...
Then mother and daughter worked side by side.
Auntie Meig got some help from JJ with her top stitching.
Then we took a break to paint toenails...
Then we took another break for a dance party...
Here it is with the top stitching! Gorgeous!!
We still have a few things to do on it like the rest of the top stitching and mounting it to the board, but this was our weekend!! I hope you all come back and visit tomorrow to see what Brandi has in store for you in her Top Ten Tuesday post!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Laundry Detergent Extravaganza!

This evening we made laundry detergent! We've both been wanting to make some of our own for a while, we just needed to get the stuff to do it.

We pretended to be the two witches from MacBeth 'double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble' (ok, well maybe it was just Meig pretending that, but it wouldn't sound so cool that way). We mixed, measured, grated, stirred, and boiled our concoction to perfection. Three times!

We followed the recipe on this crafty lady's blog: Why Not Sew.

These are the ingredients we used:

Total cost of the above: ~$8 (The Ivory soap came in a 10 pack but there is only one bar shown - we calculated the cost using the entire pack.)

Here's how much we made:

That's 8 containers. One of which is the giant BJ's size laundry container, and the milk jug is only partially full. WHOA! That's a lot of laundry detergent for a total cost of: $3.50!!

At the rate Meig goes through detergent this will last her about a year. Brandi uses a bit more since she has hubs and kiddo in the homestead.

We hope everyone has a great weekend and comes back to check on us soon. We've got lots of blogging planned and lots of exciting things coming up! Be sure and visit our Facebook page and 'like' it along with our friend at izzy s. designs for TWO chances to win in our upcoming giveaway!

See you soon!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Open for Business!

Well, finally our shop is open for business!! Check out our awesome items over at our Etsy Shop. Make sure to check out our Facebook Page and like it for a chance to win a prize from our upcoming charity: water line!